Dish manual detergent

Lemon scent

Dish manual detergent

Lemon scent

Detergent for manual dishwashing. It quickly degreases all types of dirt while eliminating unpleasant odours.


pour the product according to the dose recommended in warm water. Soak the dishes and scrub with a sponge. For difficult dirt, pour a few drops directly onto the sponge. Rinse with water.


2-6 ml per litre ½ cap in 5 litres of water


1000 ml

Code: XM111

EAN: 8050999571069

Pack: 6 x 1000 ml

pH: 7 +/- 0,5

5 L

Code: XM110

EAN: 8032680392528

Pack: 2 x 5 L

pH: 7 +/- 0,5